Judicial separation is a sort of a last resort before the actual legal break up of marriage i.e. divorce.
The reason for the presence of such a provision under Hindu Marriage
Act is the anxiety of the legislature that the tensions and wear and
tear of every day life and the strain of living together do not result
in abrupt break – up of a marital relationship. There is no effect of a
decree for judicial separation on the subsistence and continuance of the
legal relationship of marriage as such between the parties. The effect
however is on their co-habitation. Once a decree for judicial separation
is passed, a husband or a wife, whosoever has approached the court, is
under no obligation to live with his / her spouse .
The provision for judicial separation is contained in section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
The provision for judicial separation is contained in section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.